Forget about ‘5 Life Hacks’ – this is how to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px”][vc_column_text]We’re always on a journey of self discovery, which means making changes in our lives, creating goals or setting new habits and resolutions. Now, I’m not going to list “5 simple hacks” or give you some quick fixes for keeping your resolutions on track. I believe the secret to achieving your goals or resolutions is to surround yourself with the right people and resources that make you stronger as a person and connect you with your achievements. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px”][vc_column_text]

Believe it or not, I’m not perfect!

And often I need to make resolutions too. When I first moved to Berlin in 2015 from Portland I really struggled to get my life in order. Everything that I valued went down the drain, because of my lack of time and money. I was working like a madman every single hour of the day and so when I finally found my own flat, bought some furniture and a fridge, I didn’t have time to do any shopping. My fridge ended up being filled with all the things my system craved the most…. sweets – to preserve my energy. When my now-husband came around for the first time, he fell to the floor laughing after seeing the state of my fridge! He thought I was a yogi perfectionist with a healthy diet, but the truth is I needed to break some bad habits.

I’ve told you before about how we as humans truly thrive and grow when we have a community around us. Like with all types of support groups, having like-minded people around you automatically creates a network and a safety net that helps to guide you on your journey, but also pulls you back up when you really need it.

Try to look at it from the perspective of a yoga pose and something I learned while studying physical anatomy. If you move your body from a two-legged stance into a one-legged stance, the amount of weight you end up carrying on the one leg is not your whole weight, it is in fact triple your weight. So, using this example, if we shift our goal to become one within a group of supportive people, the effect can triple or increase even more in volume. That’s the power behind peer support. My teacher calls it, “the power of the posse”.

Resolutions you can stick to

So, what big challenges do you want to bring to the New Year? Whether it’s for your mental wellbeing or healthy living, it doesn’t have to be anything too extreme or life-altering. It could be a resolution to meditate more, adjust your eating habits or maybe to get a better night’s sleep. Whatever your challenge might be, a good start is to write it down. Putting your intentions into words can bring so much clarity to what you are trying to achieve.

Time to ditch your friends?

The next step is to look at the people you are surrounded by right now. Who do you see during your week? Do these people know what you are trying to achieve? And are any of these people contributing to your goals? This doesn’t necessarily mean you should cut out your friends and blame them for all your failures, but it’s a good idea to think about who you want to have in your life. 

Finding an Accountability Partner is also an important step to take you on the right path. Many successful people use this ‘buddy’ system too, where they find someone to coach them towards a goal. Just like us, these people (who we might idolize) only have a certain amount of hours in the day to work on their goals, so finding any kind of guidance is always valuable. Accountability can be communicated in whatever way works for you, whether that’s by using an app, receiving text messages from a friend or having regular chats to your boss. We tend to always try and solve problems by ourselves, instead of accepting a helping hand, but there is huge value in being around people with similar goals and greater experience.

Architect your environment

Sticking to new resolutions starts with your surroundings. A new goal could even be to set up a fresh environment for yourself. If you are wanting to do more yoga, take a look at the space that you are practicing in. Do you have a sacred spot at home for your meditation? Does your fridge reflect the things that help you to thrive, or like the old me, is it full of sugar boosters? And of course, are you surrounded by supportive and like-minded people? Then you can start to think about what you want to achieve.
