Creating Space Sangha

Creating Space Sangha

Inspiring Teachings & Conversations about Coming Home to Full Presence

Have you found your way into Lightness of Being yet?

Are you ready to move from agitation to love & clarity?

From uncertainty to trust & joy?

Reach into Hive Wisdom to dissolve nagging thought patterns and unaligned efforts

Find Self-Expression and Get in Touch with hidden Desires through weekly Exercises and Conversations.

Grow through creative exercises, (personal) coaching & ancient applicable wisdom.

A new way to look at connection. And each other.

Creating space helps you, if

What We Do

About Creating Space

This Membership was created as a place for you to regularly connect to your desires, grow, have fun, and marvel at the mystery of life.

Real-life concerns are the bedrock of our monthly topics that we explore through creativity, readings & practicality. These include Health, Relationships, Money, Balancing Mind & Emotions, and bringing forth unfulfilled Desire & Ease.

Together we can get to places that feel lighter and more in touch with who you have always been and who you want to become next. So keep the momentum going and stabilize your personal goals.

"Let’s root for each other and assist each other's growth."

Zora Neale Hurston

Create, Contemplate and Dance through the Mystery of Life

Boost your understanding of Ayurveda & Yoga with Creating Space.

A Space to Learn, Practice and Talk about things you want but usually can’t talk about.
An unusual path to open your heart, get centered and grow.

Living life by accepting the path of desire

Next Party is on 28th of November


Get inspired by our

Monthly Content Forecast

We kick off each month with a 90min workshop alternating with 5 days of simple yoga mornings (30min).The monthly topic is addressed from different angles each week to reflect & comprehend its outer and inner expression.

Celebrating our new found wisdom with a Creative Slam Party on the last Monday of the Month.

November 2022

Light on Tantra – The path of desire and loving what is

December 2022

Family & Friends – Courageously becoming vulnerable

Januar 2023

Zone of Exellence – what drives me?

February 2023

Money, Money, Money – Artha – a yogic perspective

Your Opportunities

Quality before quantity

We don’t indiscriminately flood you with input that will only overwhelm you even more – but give you access to exquisite, in-depth coaching offers.

If you're in, stay tuned

Sometimes the last thing you need is more info. It is much more important to give what is already there a continuous framework – so that something finally happens instead of just talking about it.

Meaningful relationships

Creating Space has helped form strong bonds because it is a safe place where you can show yourself as you are and are guided in a non judgemental way through topics. And perhaps to your surprise, you can find people who feel the same as you.

Beyond relationships

Stack up on more applied wisdom from Yoga and Ayurveda. Then, empower yourself to make decisions and plans that align with your uniqueness and what you need.
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You are at the heart of this endeavor.

Signs that you are growing into Loving Being & Lightness:
  • Arriving in a more extensive worry-free zone
  • Non-negotiable pulsing between doing and relaxing
  • You feel energized
  • You know how to get to your flow state (state of easeful attainment)
  • feeling and reconnecting to a satisfying lightness in being

Hassle free

MAKING it easy

You can easily enrol and keep your subscription running – until you don’t. When you need a break – you can pause your subscription for up to 6 month. Plus you can cancel at any time before the last of the month.

Members Insights

Frequently asked questions

You get:

  • A 1,5-hours intensive group coaching session with Alexandra every other month. Alternating with a morning week of yoga or meditation (35min).
  • Impulses and journaling questions to stay tuned in the three follow-ups Wednesday Office Hour Sessions. 
  • Access to the exclusive Facebook & WhatsApp group for Creating Space members only.
  • A monthly chance to express yourself creatively in front of the other members at our Poetry/Creative Slam Party (this is not a must – it is an opportunity)
  • Plus the opportunity to get monthly 1:1 coaching with Alexandra for 30min.

In the monthly session, we talk about the topics that are particularly important to you at the time and that you are suggested in our calendar forecast. Then, we prepare the key learnings from the sessions and give them to you along with tiny impulses and journaling questions so that you can stay with the topics and deepen them alone or together during the follow-up Office Hours.

That’s no problem; we record the sessions and make them available to you afterwards. Many of our students watch part or all of the recordings and have great insights and breakthroughs. In addition, because our experience is that you take just as much from listening to coaching with others, you learn to understand your system in depth.

At the same time, if you do not like to be late for a session, you can tune in by watching us live on the Facebook group.

Schedule the key elements – coaching session (live or the recording) and Yoga Week to get the most out of Creating Space. Then, you can shape everything else as it fits into your life. For example, deepening the material, the Impulses through Office Hours, WhatsApp group. You can invest 15 minutes or 3 hours per week in it.

No, absolutely not. Everything is explained very clearly. We prepare the critical learnings for you. And the coaching and various examples, as well as the journaling questions that we give you in between, help you with the implementation and integration into your life. So you don’t need any prior knowledge.

We meet on the first Monday of the month for our 90min intensive group coaching. The first week of the month is the practical week. These appointments alter each month. Office Hours are on Wednesday.

Slam Parties on the last Monday of the Month.

Sometimes we have to deviate from the appointment for personal or public holiday reasons. However, the dates are all fixed well in advance so that you can plan well. You will receive the recording the next working day.

You will receive the key learnings from our main meeting one week after the live session, again on Monday. This is followed by further impulses on the topic once weekly in the Office Hours Sessions on Wednesday.

Yes, everyone who is a member of Creating Space can see it within the Office Hours. However, no names are visible in the recording. The Private Coaching is not recorded.

No, participation in the exclusive Facebook or WhatsApp group is voluntary. In our experience, however, the exchange with other community members is valuable for staying tuned.

Necessary to know: The group is used to exchange information among the members. To create Hive Wisdom, it is helpful to participate with inputs, moments of clarity or confusion. Asking Questions and being there as a support to other members. That does not mean you have to be constantly on FB or WA. 

Personal meetings that we organize are not initially planned. However, if you would like to meet up with your companion, a deep dive group or other Facebook group members, you can, of course, do so! In our classes, meetings like this happen occasionally and are a great enrichment for those involved. There is always the option to participate in the Live Retreats and meet Members that decide to come along. 

The recordings and materials are available to you for twelve months as long as you are a member of Creating Space.

What is the difference between annual and monthly subscriptions?

With an annual subscription, you commit to being a member of the Creating Space Community for one year. Your subscription is valid for 12 months and will be renewed automatically and therefore subject to a fee if it is not cancelled in writing at least 30 days before the end of the year. The monthly subscription is valid for one month and is automatically extended and thus subject to a charge if it is not cancelled in writing by the 25th of the month.

After the statutory cancellation period of 14 days after purchase, you cannot prematurely terminate the annual membership.

For those unsure, there is the Flex month, which you can upgrade at any time at the applicable annual price if you are more sure.

We offer you the payment methods VISA on the payment page. With this payment method, the debit takes place automatically on the key date. You can also pay for the annual subscription via Paypal or Revolut. However, no automatic debit can take place here. Instead, shortly before the deadline, you will receive an e-mail reminding you of your payment, which you can then carry out manually. The automatic debiting in the monthly subscription takes place on the 1st of the month.

Mental stability, health and personal responsibility are prerequisites for your Creating Space membership because it is essential to us that you can use our membership area in the best possible way for you. If you are undergoing therapeutic and/or drug treatment, we ask you to clarify in advance with your doctor or therapist whether a membership is suitable for you at the moment. Creating Space is in no way intended to replace therapeutic or medical treatment.

Choose your Payment Option

For Questions about payment, cancellation conditions, please check our FAQ section.
Choose your plan and start your 14-day trial

Save 20% with annual billing

Still have questions?

To be here for you weekly means I will stay grounded in day-to-day reality & save myself from dreaming into the future. AND to remember together with you that as humans, we all struggle, laugh and grow until we leave this planet.
As you should know, there is no ‘endgame’: even for me, this path was – and still is – full of challenges. So how often do I stand discouraged, frustrated and disbelieving in front of my so-called failures and battles?
Yet, after over 30 years of experience searching for solutions to a ‘happily ever after’ and thousands of students in my courses, I have understood that we need each other to grow and learn to see and tackle things.
Why not get involved in this process with us – because: You won’t find instant solutions or suffer from that notion here for a good reason. Instead, you will find deep knowledge, incredible inner growth, connection and hopefully, an extremely valuable, new constant in your life!
Still unsure? Schedule a conversation with me below.
No problem. Schedule a conversation with me below.

0162 2596875