Detox Comfort Zone – Retrospective after 10 days


[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px”][vc_column_text]We all have our comfort zones in everyday life. For some, it is the job they know inside out, for others, it’s how they train themselves regularly through yoga or other practices. But nowadays for most of us, for sure,  food is the most significant comfort zone.

So how come a Detox – a cleanse with a specific diet that asks you to abstain from those foods that will make you feel good can indeed become a comfort zone?

Here is how it went down for me:

At first, I was dealing with some withdrawal signs you tend to get when you are indulging in sugar and coffee (which I did around Easter  … and yes I should have known better). It was like my body was shouting at me. And as my body kept talking loudly, I noticed that my usual obsessive thought patterns about how to perfect this or that got pushed out.

Hell, yeah!

There was no room for obsessing, but just enough energy to focus on what was and is essential. My work-related things all went down fine with no hiccups. To my surprise, I was extremely concentrated while teaching or coaching, where moments before it felt like I would not be able to do so. After observing this pattern of upcoming physical signs that fell away when concentrated I started to understand the connection.

Usually, food would be my go-to procrastination tool and escape route when it comes to doing things out of my comfort zone.

Now that the feeling of discomfort wasn’t soothed, I had to dig deeper and start trusting the process of learning. The only way to get through was to turn away from the self-judgment telling me I am no good at this or the other and engage with the learner in me. After all, if we are not ready to fail, we can’t improve.

And boy, was I surprised to see myself growing outside and beyond my previous comfort zone. I became my own best comfort. Not any extrinsic reward or obsession was making my life bountiful.

It was the clear unveiled self that was showing me that comfort is a betrayal of our lives purpose and that I can be more comfortable in acknowledging all my powers and make good use of them.

I understand that not everyone is ready to engage with such withdrawal or with such a profound journey. It is a detox challenge in itself and needs guidance – especially for the beginner. But it’s also important to have a goal in mind. That goal is like the quest that leads you to your future self. Detox can help you to build stronger will power.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]