Veronica Layunta Maurel – Re-authoring your Trauma


Today’s guest will take us on a wonderfully written story of her healing journey. 

Veronica Layunta Maurel, an Ayurvedic health consultant, yoga teacher, storyteller, and writer. Interestingly, she is a postgraduate researcher working on creative writing and medical science wanting to prove that fictional writing is a valid way of researching. And at the heart of it, Veronica tackles trauma—a topic that Alex has always wanted to share into people’s informative and explorative discourse. 

Veronica, always curious, found Ayurveda unexpectedly. She thought she didn’t have any problems and just went out of curiosity. She was put on detox and immediately fell in love with the feeling and continued exploring from then on. But the Ayurvedic doctor told her: there’s something fundamental that needs to change in you, otherwise, you’ll fall ill. And she did, after two years! And this has led her back, and permanently, to the Ayurvedic lifestyle and practice. To Veronica, it’s one of those things that you discover but you felt like it has always been there; it was like home. 

Her immense work on trauma took off from a similar starting point. It started with her awakening and search for healing from a severe head injury. Trauma, she found, was like a huge portal—to other past traumas, to the deepest levels of the self, and to everything that we need to work on. But Veronica presents a unique and fresh perspective on healing by re-authoring trauma, the experience, and identity. 

As the powerful storyteller that she is, Veronica took it as her mission to bring back the value of storytelling and its healing power. As long as we keep stuck in a particular story of trauma, there’s no healing possible. 

But this dense conversation of two Ayurvedic coaches and healers also jumped on several other important topics of surrendering, grace, “doing the work” and the constant reminder of being patient 

This intimate conversation’s nugget of wisdom: When we explore ourselves, our possible or past traumas, just bring that sense of playfulness. Anything that you’re going through can be a portal to who you really are, for healing for you and others. Even when we’re stuck on the suffering, keep the gates open for that mystery. It’s there waiting for you. 


Links mention in the podcast 

Podcast Highlights 

  • Ayurveda is a lifestyle and something deeper. It’s not a checklist that you have to take and do. It wasn’t about doing more things; it’s about the journey and finding the gems and wisdom along the way. – Veronica Maurel 
  • When we think of trauma, we think of all the bad things. That happens. But trauma is much deeper. – Veronica Maurel 
  • Any experience you can have can lead to a loop inside you. The more you ignore it, the more it gets ahead. – Alexandra Kreis 
  • It’s important to see that in everything that we do, the goal is not only on the “done” thing but on what happens in the deepest levels while you do it. – Veronica Maurel 
  • Find your own way. It’s a bit of a cliche, but it’s harder than it looks when you live in a world of expectations. After the accident, I modified the way I do things. I did have a choice but I adjusted my life as a profound act of love for myself. – Veronica Maurel 
  • We need stories so much. Because we lost the communal life of sitting by the campfire and hearing stories that makes our brain spin but activates our creativity. And feel alive. – Alexandra Kreis 


Guest BIO:

Veronica Layunta-Maurel is a Yoga and Ayurveda Health Coach, Fiction and Yoga Philosophy Writer, and founder of Akasha Yoga Centre in the UK and Akasha Projects Ltd. worldwide. She is now undertaking a Ph.D. in Creative Writing where she explores the healing power of storytelling and developing new links between yoga, creativity, and spiritual practices. Veronica’s experience with yoga began 20 years ago. She trained as a Dru Yoga teacher, Yoga Nidra Teacher. She also teaches Dru Relaxation, Meditation,     Yoga Nidra, Yoga for Sleep Recovery and Insomnia, Creative Writing with Yoga, Yoga Psychology, and Ayurveda nutrition and Lifestyle. 


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