Best of Podcasts On Trauma



Re-Authoring Your Trauma
With Veronica Maurel

Any experience can lead to a loop inside you. The more you ignore it, the more it gets ahead. – Alexandra Kreis

Veronica Layunta Maurel, an Ayurvedic health consultant, yoga teacher, storyteller, and writer, tackles it from an insider’s perspective. Trauma is like a huge portal—to other past traumas, to the deepest levels of the self, and to everything that we need to work on.

Searching for her healing, Veronica found re-authoring her story is pivotal in addressing trauma. It’s how you tell your story and how you tell it to yourself.

When we think of trauma, we imagine horrible things. And people undergoing these are sometimes stigmatized. But we have to realize and be conscious that trauma is much deeper than that. It can change the way we see things. We can have the same experience but the effect will be different. To some of us, it can be a stepping stone to be stronger. To some, it triggers an onset of trauma. It’s up to us how we author our lives around wounds like traumas and the space for healing that is always there for us.

Breaking Free from Trauma
 With Adair Finucane

“There is nothing wrong with me.”

Growing up in an average, normal family, Adair had never imagined that a deep-seated trauma was behind her rage, anxiety, and depression. How could that be? This isn’t trauma—she kept denying it to herself. She refused to honor her own experience and feelings. All that despite her being a trauma researcher.

It’s easy to fall for the same lie about ourselves. We don’t or sometimes, we just refuse to, think something IS wrong or special in our experience or situation. Just like the social-worker-turned yoga-healer Adair, sometimes it takes being in a safe space to allow yourself to be vulnerable enough…to let your eyes see the fact that has been staring at you. 

Links mention in the podcast


Innate Resources for Healing Trauma
With Patrick Haraghy

Seek help. Life is not a rehearsal. And so life should be lived in its full potential. There’s a good life out there to be lived. – Patrick Haraghy

With trauma, whether it’s developmental or shock trauma, a lot are out into the unconscious. And our first instinct is to protect ourselves from it by avoidance, pushing it aside, brushing it off under the rug. Even persistent pains in the body are telling of a trauma hiding somewhere waiting to resurface or erupt. But there are different ways of working on these traumas.

Patrick, a therapist specializing in trauma, offers practical pointers to resources innate to us, human beings, to address trauma. If trauma is just right there hiding, and so is healing.

Coming to Yourself after Severe Trauma
With Aisha Harley

“Being alone and meeting my anxiety face-to-face helped me find my happiness and my peace.”

From pain to love, Aisha, a former photographer, and doTERRA leader realized that healing has to start with the self.

Struggling from Lyme disease, stress, and pain from toxic relationships, Aisha was afraid to leave an abusive situation because she was afraid to be alone. She thought peace existed outside herself; her happiness depended on some other person. 

But in her journey, she learned that putting herself first, working on her boundaries, and taking her power back were the first pieces in the puzzle of her healing. Others came in to build her picture of happiness and peace soon after she decided that, yes, she could heal, and she can do it by herself.

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