Amanda Rose – Insightful Sex Education

We’re back in the house with Amanda Rose – to enlighten us on this topic that we don’t necessarily find easy to talk about in other spaces.

Sex education is meant to lead us to great sex, a better understanding of ourselves, and a deeper connection with our partners.

When you know and understand your body, you can communicate to your partner easily and thus increase satisfaction. And that builds confidence in each and a strong bond between them.

Amanda Rose talks about these in our two-part episode with her.

The types of Erotic Blueprints and learning your erotic language to express what turns you on and turns you off are some of the keys she’s sharing to open the doors to sexual pleasure for your partner and from your partner.

With no holds barred, Amanda continues to take us on in this enlightening conversation about how we can discover our own language, better understand a partner’s language, and how to use this road map to embrace and fulfill our desires. And to actually free ourselves!

Amanda also shares some of her expert knowledge on kinds of orgasm and playing the gender role. Understanding that pleasure can come from within or without, there’s an exciting way ahead—a wonderful journey—that you and your partner can traverse together or separately. And you’ll get heaps of advice from here!

As a certified and experienced sex educator, she’s has helped many couples figure out problems in their relationship and we’re lucky to have her bravely share her work with us in this podcast!

This is an important conversation you don’t want to miss!

Links mention in the podcast

Podcast Highlights

  • 3:11-4:14 – Internal Pleasure and Erotic Blueprints
  • 5:54-9:11- Gender Roles and Orgasm
  • 10:47-11:26 – Shame of Orgasm
  • 20:56-21:51 – Sex and Religion
  • 22:06-23:44 – Sex Education
  • 26:03-27:34 – Pleasure Responsibility
  • 30:07 -30:44 – Pleasure and Respect
  • 33:28:34:04 – Sex and our Nervous System

Pocket Quotes

  • “There’s so much focus on orgasm as the ultimate goal and we are so fixated on that in our heads that we miss the rest of what’s going on.” – Amanda Rose
  • “When you take the goal off the table, there’s all this pressure that goes away.” – Amanda Rose
  • “Shame isn’t attached to orgasm, it’s just the shame that lives in our body. When you open yourself up and to be seen and maybe some of that gets triggered.” – Amanda Rose
  • “Be fully present and alive. If I’m fully present and consciously alive and feeling what’s happening in my body and what’s happening around me, that to me feels orgasmic. It feels like I’m fully expanded.” – Amanda Rose 
  • “I turn to sex but sex is god, sex is creation and it’s my version of god.” – Amanda Rose

Guest Bio

Amanda Rose is a certified and experienced sex educator. She has been privileged enough to help many couples figure out problems in their love lives. Coach and long time doTERRA Wellness Advocate. She works with people who want to bring more pleasure, excitement and self expression into their lives. Amanda is here to help you remember who you are, and to remind you of the magic words “pleasure, consent, sovereignty and communication.”

Art and Science – It’s a Tie – Philipa Daria

Art and science, indeed, can become one. Daria’s journey tells us that. 

This heartwarming conversation with Philipa Daria Filip traces back the strokes of that interesting moment of discovery of her art. It also dances us to the intricate details of how her artistry has been married to her world of science and philosophy of living sustainably. 

Her moment of truth was that long journey from Poland to Paris—almost like an exposure trip to her unlived childhood days captured in countless photographs in an attempt to vividly store its beauty intangible memory—that went straight to a vernissage. But Daria’s art and science started even way back. 

Although Paris, and its beauty and promise of sustainable living, is the cradle of Daria’s art, her motivation to marry art and science transcends beyond her artistry and this city. It is actually about her philosophy. Inspired by David Rocks’ Quiet Leadership, she lives by the lesson that we don’t learn on a linear curve; it’s more parabolic. We have to focus our attention to make the space to make mistakes until we hit the curve. More like in art. 

Coming from the logical corner—from studying and practicing engineering to teaching math and physics, and coming from a family who did the same—Daria found herself grabbing the camera and pouring out all her artistic side into it as her way of expression. But not only that. It is also her way of communicating details and of teaching science to the public eye. She has brought all these things together and calls it art is science and science is art. 

To Daria, we can use common knowledge to understand the foundational principles (in math, science). And by slowing down and paying attention to the details—not doing shortcuts—we get so much more and higher quality understanding. In a way, sustainable learning. 

Beyond Daria’s mind for details, she leaves an important trick to muster: Know when to focus on the detail and when to be a master of the subject to be able to appreciate and teach it. Know when to pull back and look at the big picture and how all pieces fit together. Not being a specialist in anything and trying to work and teach on it is equally dangerous as being a specialist in just one thing. 

And above all, Daria inspires listeners to apply artistry to life: “Do not be afraid to try something new. Let it flow. Do not be afraid to take a chance.” 

Links mention in the podcast  


Podcast Highlights 

  • With art, I’ve never felt so refreshed and rejuvenated. It further bolstered this concept of arts and science and how it impacts life. – Philipa Daria Filip 
  • The symbol of the delta, which means change, appears everywhere in science. We can use the common knowledge to really understand the foundational principles. By slowing down and really paying attention to the details, not doing shortcuts, you get so much more and higher quality understanding. – Philipa Daria Filip 
  • The trick of life is knowing which quote to follow when. When do we need to focus on the detail and be a master of a subject to be able to appreciate and teach it and when to pull back and look at the big picture and how all pieces fit together. Not being a specialist in anything and trying to work and teach on it is equally dangerous as being a specialist in just one thing. – Philipa Daria Filip 
  • Do not think that you have to choose one or the other. Just dabble in your art or artistry and however, it shows itself. See how that makes you go about your day to day life. You can find ways to combine it. – Alexandra Kreis 
  • Do not be afraid to try something new. Let it flow. Do not be afraid to take a chance. – Philipa Daria Filip 

Guest Bio 

Philipa Daria Filip is a teacher at the American School of Paris. Born in Toronto, Canada and to parents who emigrated to Canada from Poland/Ukraine after WWII, Daria had always longed to revisit her roots and explore Europe. She grew up in a family with an inclination to science—her mother always wanted her to be an engineer. She worked for three years in Western Canada and had a lot of experience working in industrial plants and factories. But in 1998, she switched to teaching math and science in high school and since then taught in different schools until she found her way to the American School of Paris.