Jörg Reckhenrich – Art Thinking for Coaching

To this episode’s guest, Jörg Reckhenrich, coaching, and deep self-inquiry can come through art. You can apply and implement art thinking for business, entrepreneurship, everyday problem-solving.

Artists not only create works of art. History has shown the important role they played in shaping our consciousness and environment. Every piece of art will resonate with someone, somewhere. It initiates dialogue and conversations; it stimulates action; it inspires change and growth.

While Jörg is an artist himself and became a gallery owner, he didn’t like art books or theories in his younger days. Observing artworks and going deep into conversations about perceptions was what drew him into this lane. To him, it’s not about the artwork itself, it’s about the resonance of the person who’s looking at that piece of art.

Experiencing the power of art, it became important for Jörg to share it with people and spread positivity. Combining art coaching, positive psychology, and systemic attitude has become his wonderfully pieced together work-of-art to scale learning, education, and leadership.

Coaching through art starts with a free conversation about a general topic before questions are posed. But it’s not like the conventional coaching process—the coach doesn’t always have to be the one who asks and the coachee answers. It’s a multidirectional learning process; from observation to context and real-life questions and problems.

And as the landscape for learning is changing, especially these days, coaching through art has become even more relevant and effective. Especially because in art, it’s not about knowing better, but daring to be out there and just doing it; trying to shift the world with the simplest notion.

Links mention in the podcast

Podcast Highlights

3:00 – 6:47 Discovering his love for art and perceiving art

8:00 – 10:30 Understanding Art for Therapy, Learning, and Leadership

11:00 –  20:10 Coaching Through Art

20:30 – 28:00 Digital Art Solutions for Growth and Empowerment for Young Women of Uganda

Pocket Quotes

  • It’s not about the artwork itself, it’s about the resonance of the person who’s looking at that piece of art. – Jörg Reckhenrich 
  • Many artists, especially visual artists, are incapable of telling about their art. Always start with pure perception and the dialogue will emerge. – Jörg Reckhenrich 
  • Let go of the things why you observe an art piece. The choice you do has so much to do with your own ideas, questions, your involvement. – Jörg Reckhenrich 
  • It’s not about knowing better, but daring to be out there and just doing it. Trying to shift the world with the simplest notion. – Alexandra Kreis.
  • Have the courage to try out before you think too much. If you see and sense something that interests or stimulates you, go for it. Do and make a new experience, and then learn from it. That’s the artist’s way. – Jörg Reckhenrich

Guest Bio

Jörg ReckhenrichJörg Reckhenrich is an artist, systemic consultant, and business coach. He is the founder of PParts, a consultant company that combines positive psychology with Art Thinking. Jörg is a member of the faculty at CEIBS (Zürich Institute of Business Education) and visiting lecturer at IMD Lausanne, London Business School, ESMT, and ESCP Berlin. Reckhenrich has been listed as one of the world’s “top 25 management thinkers” by the journal Business Strategy Review. He is a member and network driver of the BMW Foundation, responsible leader network, and BMW Alumni foundation. He is also a member of the advisory board of the MBA program at the Quadriga University Berlin and holds a permanent teaching position at the coaching and leadership academy, Berlin.