Cecilia Mueller Stahl – From #guiltypleasure to Satisfaction

In this podcast, we have again Cecilia Muller Stahl, actress and manifestation coach from Berlin. She’s the queen of the art of getting to the core of who we are, called deep manifestation from the soul.

Cecilia came into manifestation as a part of her healing journey and bodywork, which she explains not just about the body touch but also about touching the soul. Having worked through herself using different methods from different people, she realized that she has the hunger to help others heal. It was then that she felt it’s her calling– that something that had been missing the entire time she was on and off the stage as an actress.

Helping women struggling with issues around food and body image was Cecilia’s first work. She holds a special place for people going through the same things she went through. Her journey taught her that no one deserves to have that feeling of ‘no self-worth, no deep connection; always in the spiral of wanting to eat then self-loathing for doing that’, just as she did back then.

To her, when we get to do what we want, that’s when our lives come to fruition. It is how our soul starts to speak, communicate who we really are and unlocking the powers that we hold deep within ourselves and manifesting.

But the best part here: Alexandra and Cecilia take this conversation into a crucial topic that has put down millions of people, especially women and girls. FOOD, satisfaction, and pleasure.

Cecilia and her ideas around pleasure have exciting takes on this topic that hopefully would shift the narrative on this very important and basic human need that society has turned overly complicated. As Alex puts it, “the grandeur of nature was the richness that made me understand that life is not lacking; that life is always giving, and it’s a matter of tapping into that.”

In such a short conversation, Cecilia opens up our minds to the idea that manifesting desires and pleasure and being at peace (by letting go of the desire) can go together. She reminds us, ‘allow yourself to want what you want and bring you peace.’


Links mention in the podcast

Podcast Highlights

  • Following pleasure, what feels good for my body and trusting myself and body again were my guide; not a food plan whatsoever. Then this resonated with money issues because it’s the same self-worth wound that was healing. – Cecilia Muller Stahl
  • Generally, women were not allowed to follow and enjoy their desire and pleasure. If I allow pleasure to be a priority, then I get back to really sensing what feels right, what feels good and what does not. Dieting prevents us from doing that. We have all these instincts that we need to trust. Our bodies speak and it sends clear signs. – Cecilia Muller Stahl
  • We have put a lot of restraints on ourselves but then we have to please ourselves with food or other things. We have forgotten what natural hunger is; we have unlearned to listen to know what hunger is, our desire for sleeping and resting. – Alexandra Kreis
  • We all long for satisfaction. We crave because we want this inner feeling of emptiness to be fulfilled we don’t expect to be satisfied through it. Accept that you’re hungry and that you’re curious about how does satisfaction feels and when are you going to feel it. That is when you get the understanding that you don’t have to live lacking. – Cecilia Muller Stahl
  • Don’t try to sort out your desires into fake and genuine. Instead, feel into every desire and the degree of your fulfillment. Track the feeling of completeness, track how your heart and whole being resonates with that desire. – Cecilia Muller Stahl


Guest BIO

Cecilia is a manifestation coach and actress living in Berlin. She’s working on feminine empowerment, calls herself Manifestation Queen on Instagram coming from being a priestess of pleasure. Pleasure through Body Work: Expanding pleasure in the body allows us to let all of what we are incarnate into this being. Body and spirit do this together through pleasure.


Cecilia Mueller Stahl – Manifesting Pleasure and Desires

Today’s episode with Cecilia Mueller Stahl is truly an eye-opener. Cecilia, an artist who is also in the coaching space, breaks myths and takes us to the frequently misunderstood yet critical topic of pleasure and desire.

Her journey to the craft that she shares with people now– soul manifestation, which manifests the things from deep down one’s self– was a brave and empowering one. Her discovery of this space and methods will surely shake up connotations. They will lead us to a full new understanding and appreciation of ourselves, including our desires and the things we take pleasure from.

To Cecilia, pleasure is an integral part of manifestation. It is the energy and vibration that attracts the components of our manifestation. Thus, her platform is about being the pleasure priestess as the core of her work, and being the manifestation queen as the outcome.
Pleasure has many connotations. You have to work hard to achieve it.

It was a long journey for Cecilia. But learning along the way and being able to impart these to people in her work now is a part of what she has always desired. She has been on stage as a successful actress, but somehow. She felt like hiding and that something’s missing. That’s when she went to bodywork and felt more present. She found her presence in ayahuasca, tantra, and quantum healing.

This conversation talks about empowerment and, in itself, is empowering. Cecilia takes us to a clearer sense of trusting and taking responsibility for the healing paths we choose. And this goes along her principle of trusting the desire and allowing the self to go for it. Cecilia reminds us: be it for choosing a healing path or small day-to-day decisions, it should be about ‘interrupting the pattern of “I have to” and enjoying life the right way!

PS: LSD and Ayahuasca were mentions as similar tools of shifting consciousness in this podcast. Although both act as agents to liberate constricted thought patterns they differ immensely in their healing opportunities. Ayahuasca mostly is used to mirror the self and connect to the deeper essence within. While LSD and Mushrooms are agents that help download information.

Links mention in the podcast

Podcast Highlights

  • To me, pleasure may not be 100% the opposite of hard work. Because sometimes even hard work can be pleasurable. It’s about trusting that life has your back and that you have to enjoy being here. It excludes the “I have to” attitude. – Cecilia Muller Stahl
  • People have to get used to two things: (1) sex is not dirty, and (2) Pleasure is not always about sex. Yes, it’s delicate. But it’s a calling. Part of my mission is to empower people to trust that their pleasure can go into any direction, that it’s not dirty and not good when they feel their sexual desires. – Cecilia Muller Stahl
  • Ayahuasca is an herbal shamanic medicine from the Amazon used to open up the consciousness and connect to the greater good of ourselves. In Western societies, it was used to have the same effect of LSD but more wisely as it opens up the brain waves and its connections, opening up the gateway to our microcosm-macrocosm connection – Alexandra Kreis
  • Going for your desires is not about being selfish. It sets us free from toxic codependency, toxic self-doubt and low self-worth. Desire teaches us to love ourselves to get what we desire. – Cecilia Muller Stahl
  • It’s tough if you don’t have that grain of trust into your intuition and methods to distinct which is for me and which is not. We can easily fall into the trap that we feel that there is an abuse of power that can come with these healing methods. People may feel disconnected from the healing paths they went into suddenly. – Alexandra Kreis


Guest BIO

Cecilia is a manifestation coach and actress living in Berlin. She’s working on feminine empowerment, calls herself Manifestation Queen on Instagram coming from being a priestess of pleasure. Pleasure through Body Work: Expanding pleasure in the body allows us to let all of what we are incarnate into this being. Body and spirit do this together through pleasure.