Love : Valentine’s Day Pain-Free


Love should be celebrated everyday… not just on Valentine’s day.


Some call this day a ‘Hallmark Day’. A day to increase adivertissement for  commercial goods  and make money on the foolish hearted.
When I was single, I struggled with ignoring the day. Even though for 364 days in the year I believed I was fine, February 14th always managed to hit me sideways.

I moved away and let my life untwist and untie. In this action of undoing, I found myself one sunny afternoon sitting in my favorite chair thinking: I have had enough. I want to merely respect and love myself and be the person that so many of my friends see in me. I want to feel, think, and be this person they already understand, but that I doubt I am.

After this intimate, perfect encounter with myself,  a 180 degree. The self-transformation began to unfold Seriously!
I was so fed up with myself and my bullshit, that when I surrendered that this came from my innermost being.
And I was rewarded.

Half a year later I stumbled across my current mentor Cate Stillman who penned a book on how to create a more holistic lifestyle by applying ayurvedic, yogic, and circadian rhythm routines.

At the time I was burnt out from massaging too much, teaching yoga all the time and not finding time for myself. All that what was in me was pouring out to others until eventually
I found myself trying to pour from an empty cup.

Meeting Cate was the second lifesaver for me. I started to take my own life more seriously. I began to pay attention to how  I slept, when I rested, how much I ate (or how little in my case), and started to initiate some real habit-changing triggers.

This was about three years ago.
Now I teach other people how to bring this self-respect, this  preservation of energy to their life.  I coach people to cultivate respect for  their own feelings, and reflect on whether their actions reflect what they really want   I have now managed to combine this with my yoga practice, teaching and running a business

If you want advice on how to start, I invite you to first ask yourself this :

  • What is it that I truly desire? Vs How am  I actually living these days?
  • Who’s getting my attention first? People around me or myself?
  • And although I am not a fan of letting other people determine how I think of myself – I would like to ask you: How do other people perceive you?

From there make a list, of your daily activities. And see where you have taken care of yourself so that that self-love can come into your life

I never thought of myself as someone who ‘wasn’t in love with myself’. That wasn’t how I was looking at myself even though people pointed it out to me in many ways. Denial was my second name.
If I had admitted that I didn’t love myself, I would have fallen apart. So I was trying to keep the love alive by asking other people to like me.

If you looking for a change and want to experience more self-love why don’t you sign for a free webinar this Sunday 17th February?

See you there?

Yours truly,

